Clothe The People (free food, hygiene goods, and harm reduction supplies)
FoCo Cafe (free clothing closet)
Kids Closet - First United Methodist Church (kids clothing only)
NoCo Boss Babes (women’s support and professional clothing for women)
Northern Colorado Access Point - Fort Collins (free clothing closet)
EARN (Homeward Alliance Employment Services)
HireQuest Direct of Fort Collins
Larimer County Economic Workforce Development
CO Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (helps low-income households purchase food)
CO WIC (food and nutritional counseling for pregnant women & children under 5)
Family Dental Clinic (free and low cost dental care)
Family Medicine Center (free food - meals)
FoCo Cafe (*volunteer for an hour for a meal)
Food Bank (free food - groceries)
Food Not Bombs (free food - meals)
Murphy Center (free food - meals)
NoCo No Cost Distro (free food - meals)
Salvation Army (free breakfast)
Vindeket (free food - groceries)
Administration for Strategic Preparedness & Responses (free covid tests)
CO Medicaid (healthcare coverage for individuals and families with low incomes and resources)
CO Medicare (healthcare coverage for people age 65 or older)
Covid Safe Colorado (free masks)
Larimer County Department of Health (free covid test, low or no cost STI testing / treatment, annual wellness, and immunizations)
Larimer County Mental Health Resources (various resources for mental health)
Northern Colorado Access Point - Fort Collins (harm reduction)
Salud (free or income based - enrollment in social services, medical, dental, and behavioral health services, esp for Spanish speaking folks)
Summit Stone Health Partners (24/7 walk-in crisis services, mental health and substance use disorder assistance)
CO Cash Assistance
Colorado Legal Services (free legal services if financially qualified)
Colorado Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) (helps certain individuals pay a portion of their winter home heating costs)
CSU Know Your Rights - How to Interact with Police, ICE, or other law enforcement
Disabled Resource Services
Family Center / La Familia (family resources)
Fort Collins Bike Co-Op (bike repair; trade work for shop time)
Homeward Alliance - Family Services and Resource Navigation
Libraries - Old Town Library, Harmony Library, Council Tree Library
Matthews House (family resource center and programming for youth)
McKinney Vento Educational Resources (for youth experiencing housing insecurity or homelessness)
Neighbor to Neighbor (rent, utility, and homeowner assistance)
Northern Colorado LGBT+ Resources (various resources for LGBT+ persons)
Outreach Fort Collins - Resource Guide - English and Spanish (resource navigation services)
Proton Free VPN
Salvation Army (social services, supplies, clothing, utility and rental assistance)
SAVA Center (sexual violence crisis hotline, therapy, workshops, etc.)
Stork Support of Northern Colorado (support for newborn clothes and baby gear)
Pet Care
4 Paws Pet Pantry (free pet food)
Colorado Pet Pantry (free pet food)
Kibble Supply Pet Food Pantry / Animal Friends Alliance (free pet food)
The Street Dog Coalition (free veterinary care to pets of people experiencing homelessness)
Shelters / Temporary Housing
Catholic Charities serving Larimer County
Crossroads Safehouse (for victims of domestic violence)
Family Housing Network
Fort Collins Rescue Mission
Homeless & Emergency Services
Mennonite Fellowship
Murphy Center
Veteran Services
Northern Colorado Veterans Resource Center
Rocky Mountain Human Services, Homes for all Veterans
Supportive Services for Veterans Families - Volunteers of America
Veteran Employment Services
Qualified Listeners