What is a distro?
“Distro” is short for “redistribution”. It is a free public event where we redistribute items, such as food, clothing, hygiene goods, and harm reduction supplies, to those who need them.
In Fort Collins, our distros are run alongside Food Not Bombs, so they are also a community potluck! All are welcome to bring what they can, and take what they need. No questions asked.
If you want to get involved or have a needs request, feel free to visit with us at any distro or contact us!
Our Weekly Distro Schedule:
Wednesday Distro
5 - 7 PM at the Mennonite Fellowship
300 E. Oak St. Fort Collins, CO
Sunday Distro
2:15 PM at the Mennonite Fellowship
300 E. Oak St. Fort Collins, CO
*The Traveling Library (free book exchange) - Every Sunday
*Free Clothing Repair - First Sundays Monthly
*Free Haircuts from Scissors & Sinners - Third Sunday Monthly